Global 40 Days of Love

Loving the Nations to Jesus


This Global Prayer, Care, Share Evangelism Campaign is scheduled to take place in 2023.  You may choose to launch the 40 Days of Love at any time that works best for you and your community.

Background:  Four years ago we watched as God united 40,000-60,000 Christ-followers to love their communities to Jesus.  The testimonies of what God accomplished that first year were so encouraging that believers across the U.S. and overseas have subsequently agreed to join with us. 

Participants in the Global 40 Days of Love from the Dominican Republic


Global 40 Days of Love in action during Covid19 in Honduras
Global 40 Days of Love outreach in India during Covid19
College students in the United States join in prayer to reach their Campus with the Gospel!
Goal of this Initiative

Our long-term desire is that the Global 40 Days of Love will be used by God to launch a Prayer, Care, Share Lifestyle in Every Congregation, Every Community, Every Sphere of Influence, Every Ethnicity, Every Denomination and Every Generation in Every Nation.  

Ultimately meaning that every man, woman, and child will have repeated opportunities to see, hear and respond to the Gospel. 
We provide electronic copies of the Prayer, Care, Share Guides for use during the 40 Days.  (If we don’t already have the language version you need, the prayer guides can easily be translated into your language and printed locally.)   
Sign Up Today

If you sign up today, at no obligation to you, we will send you free electronic resources to help you determine if the 40 Days of Love will work for you.  

Youth group goes to the streets praying for people

(Orlando, FL USA)

House to House Evangelism & Food Distribution

(Uganda, Africa)

Prayer, Care, Share guides in Albanian language

Dr. Paul Cedar , former President of Mission America, launches the 40 Days of Love to a pastors group. 

(Cochella Valley, California USA)

In partnership with Korea Campus Crusade for Christ:  A team in South Korea prepares for a nationwide 40 Days of Love

Churches unite together in David, Panama to pray, serve their city and share the Gospel.  One community experienced a doubling in the number of Christ-followers during this time!

Over 25 congregations across the state of Rhode Island united to pray for their state and evangelize their communities.

Partnership with the Balkan Call in Europe


Join this Global Movement to Share the Love of God with the Nations!